The batim, literally the houses in which the scrolls are put fall into two different types of construction. The cheaper are called p’shutot – simple ones. They are made of a combination of layers of klaf (parchment) that has been pressed together. The boxes are light, they are also not repairable if they should fall. As the boxes age there is no way to sand them down and make them look new.
Gassot are boxes made from one piece of hide. It takes approximately 7 – 9 monthes to make a pair of gassot batim. With few exceptions they will last a lifetime. The boxes can be refinished and repaired under most circumstances. They are considered mehudar and have different levels and prices associated with those levels. We generally focus on the basic level of avodat mechona, machine made and avodat regel, a level higher that enables the person making the tefillin to control the machine with a foot pedal.
Our gassot are prudot (separated from the top to the base, which is considered more mehudar than glued.) As with the parshiot we sell batim that are consistent with the style of writing inside.
When a person buys tefillin in a store neither clerk nor buyer knows that he has received a quality pair of tefillin, or minimally knows what is the quality of the parshiot inside. As with other soferim we may have a pre-assembled pair for the person who is used to buying off the shelf. However the majority of what we have is put together based on your choice of parshiot and batim. The lag time could be a week or more assuming we have suitable parshiot available. Or if you prefer we can write them for you, which would entail an 8 week lead time or more based on the time of year.
At NJ Sofer, all mezuzot which we sell have been computer scanned. The ones that we purchase from other sofrim are all reviewed in house. The ones that we write are reviewed by an independent certified sofer. We never sell tefillin which has not had both reviews.